Do You Know How Diabetes Can Affect Your Smile?

This November (National Diabetes Month), we are looking at how diabetes impacts your oral health. It’s essential to recognize the interconnectedness of your overall health with your dental health in general and explore how making healthy choices can significantly benefit both areas of your health and well-being. The Diabetes-Oral Health Connection Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your... read more »

Unlocking the Secrets of a Healthy Smile: National Dental Hygiene Month

October traditionally starts the fall holiday season by indulging in Halloween treats, but it is also National Dental Hygiene Month! This timely reminder spotlights the unique role dental hygienists play in helping patients maintain better oral health and the importance of practicing consistent daily dental care. Skilled dental hygienists meticulously clean your teeth and gums, removing plaque and tartar buildup,... read more »

Gum Care and Age: How to Navigate Oral Health Through the Years

For the month of September, we welcome National Gum Care Month, a timely reminder of the importance of maintaining healthy gums during every stage of life. Our gum health, like the four seasons, evolves with age, requiring varying degrees of care and attention. From childhood to adulthood and into the senior years, our gums go through transformations, each with their... read more »

How To Maintain a Healthy Smile As You Head Back to School

Whether you or your child is a student heading back to classes, we have tips for maintaining a healthy smile while juggling new routines with new classes, extracurricular activities, and social events. Having a healthy smile doesn’t just boost self-confidence but also contributes to one’s overall wellbeing. Let’s look at how to prepare for school by maintaining excellent oral hygiene... read more »

Your Gum Health Is As Important as Your Teeth for a Healthy Mouth and Body

February isn’t just the month when we celebrate all things love; it’s also Gum Disease Awareness Month. Why not show your gums some love? Because your gum health is vital for a healthy smile (and body). Gum disease is linked to Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, coronary artery disease, diabetes, liver cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Our goal this month is to... read more »

This American Diabetes Month, We Have Some Tips To Protect Your Teeth and Gums! 

November isn’t just Thanksgiving: It’s also National Diabetes Month. This disease affects around 37 million Americans, including adults and young people. Oral health is closely linked to health issues, including diabetes, and vice versa. Along with your primary care doctor and other specialists, your health care team should also include your dentist!     People with diabetes are more prone to cavities... read more »